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@TorontoCentre report: #TorCen candidates debate at St. Michael’s College stopped!

The following account was written by Independent Candidate Bahman Yazandar and appears on his site.


Like any other gathering, when a group of people get together and participate in an event, different personalities behave differently. In Canada, most people are polite and civilized in public, and to some extent non-engaging!

However, there are always a small number of individuals who do not follow this common protocol for one reason or the other. They usually have a low threshold toward these situations, subject matters, or the participants, and do not realize that certain form of their communication are not effective, and not only do not provide positive outcomes, but become damaging for themselves as well as the others.

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#TorCen candidates take note: How #FATCA can be defeated! The U.S. perspective



@Votersecho IndependentCandidate and @RogersTV #TorCen @TorontoCentreDebate


In the past there were occasions that one or more candidates did not show for the Rogers TV live debates in the studio, and other candidates filled the absentees’ seats, if they were present. Hence, last night Mr. Dorian Baxter and I, both candidates in the Toronto – Centre riding, went to ROGERS TV, just in case such an opportunity should arise. However, I was very disappointed that we were left standing in front of a glass door and Ms. Wong passed by without acknowledging us or opening the door to find out why we were there.

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Thoughts on @RogersTV #TorCen @TorontoCentre Candidates Debate

The first Toronto Centre “Some Candidates” debate took place Wednesday evening November 13. Those who missed the debate will have a chance to see one of the replays.

The participants were:

Green Party Candidate – John Deverell

Conservative Candidate – Geoff Pollock

Liberal Candidate – Chrystia Freeland

NDP Candidate – Linda McQuaig

The other Toronto Centre candidates were excluded from the debates but did provide video statements introducing themselves after the four participating candidates had “gone home”.

In any event, here are some thoughts on the performances of the four participating candidates. In evaluating the debate, I did something I have never done before. I watched the debate twice:

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Anti-FATCA movement gains momentum – Time to protest Canadian banks

All #TorCen – Toronto Centre Candidates should read this …


The 21st Century belongs to Canada, but …

Canada always was and continues to be at centre of the FATCA storm. Opposition to FATCA is gaining momentum and is becoming more visible. But, the FATCA “end game” will NOT be determined by the United States, the U.K. or the European Union. Canada – and more specifically – The Government of Canada – will soon decide on whether to enter an IGA with the United States.  A refusal by Canada will likely mean the end of “FATCA IGA Momentum”. This would make it impossible for the United States (regardless of the…

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Anti #FACTA groups @IsaacBrockSoc and Maple Sandbox write open letter to @CdnBankers – Excellent summary of how FATCA hurts Canadians

Those wishing to understand the fuss over FATCA are urged to read this open FATCA letter to the Canadian Bankers Association. As well, you can download the PDF of the letter here.

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